Happy New Year 2022! Hello! I wish YOU a wonderful year to come. Following your dreams, creating, be well, spend time with family, friends, all the best. 2021 was the start of opening my Reiki practice to more people who needed my help. I am sending out the wish to grow even more in 2022 ❤️ Knowing when it's time to take a break, for yourself.
I'm sorry if you missed me. All my apologies. Sometimes it feels natural to take a break when you think you need one. And trust that whoever wants to continue following you, reading you, will continue and trust you even after ... I took that chance... ;-) So Thank you to YOU who is reading me now. I didn't stop offering Reiki, Oh No...I'm receiving too much benefits giving Reiki. I just needed time to be able to write again...time to concentrate on other matter, and family. Writing is taking a lot of my energy, every month sometimes arrive too quickly for me. Time to reset, think, translate..., choose my subject, words. Not always easy. Especially when the language is not your own. The easiest for me is to create, paint, cut puzzles, and give Reiki. So yes, I needed to find my writing motivation again. What a better time than January ? New year ..., new resolution, even if this was never my way to start a new year. Why deciding on New year what you will do the next 12 months...? But here I am, I mostly wanted to wish you an excellent New year 2022. Make it a year you will love in every steps, decisions you will take. It's yours to make it happen. During those last months, in addition of giving Reiki, I really took time for my Puzzles company, give it a chance to a good start, and see if this was just a temporary adventure or worth to continue. And it is. With the support of my dear second-half, all the best. We also went to France to surprise my dad for his 80th birthday (a huge success surprise), and lately went to visit my daughter on her Oahu island campus, to finally see where she is living since less than 2 years. All of that, avoiding C19 the best way we could, and still crossing fingers to continue that way. Reiki and cutting puzzles are my jobs. My passions, my wishes to succeed, so let 2022 be another year full of adventures. Jump, dance, create, take decisions, enjoy every moments, HAVE a HAPPY NEW YEAR, HAPPY ALL YEAR 2022. With love, Isabelle
What do you do for yourself when you need a reset ? Usually In this order : I'm meditating, I'm doing Reiki on myself, I'm drawing.... Can you find help in my drawing from this last days? Reiki is .... Opening a random page of a book and read...from "Define Me Devine Me by Phoebe Garnsworthy" *** Patience Sometimes we are faced with conflict An uphill battle as though the race has already been won But it's times like these when miracles happen When the impossible becomes possible Because you are always supported [...] A Reiki session, can align your energy, and help you find a path to realize yourself. Thank you to all of you, for your support, your encouraging emails, your confidence in my Reiki services. ISabelle, Love and Light until next month. Reiki Master certified, Reiki Maternity - Newborn, Bioenergetic massage Certified, self taught Artist. Self-healing while healing the others… This is my #12 Newsletter! can you believe I started to send it a year ago? I am so grateful to all of you for reading me, sending me messages and appreciating my help through my writing. Looking back on this year, I realize how much writing and giving Reiki to patients is also helping me for my well being, keep healing and taking care of myself. Doesn’t matter the reason I’m giving Reiki for, depression, sickness, sadness, need of clarity, pain, support, encouragement, in person, in distance. Each session gives me the opportunity to learn more about Reiki, after each session I'm feeling good about helping, but also feeling good with myself. It is always a positive experience, and it's comforting me each time that I'm doing what I'm suppose to do. As I am writing I realize, I think I found one of my purpose in this life! This is an incredible energy, and I am still so amazed, grateful, Reiki chose me to help others. A quote came to me this week, while I was reading about Reiki, “I am a positive light who inspires others”. At first, I thought it was not for me, but then I accepted, yes, it is right, it is true, and it came to me at the perfect moment to remind it to me. Yes, Reiki chose me, and I need to trust it, be confident, embrace it, totally. And share it with others. Even in moments of doubt I need to remind myself, “Reiki is with me, I have the capacity to help others". Reiki helped me to heal, helped me to take some decision, help me to realize a dream, helped me to be myself, one step at a time, day after day, I need to manifest it, and trust it. What an accomplishment!!! and you, who are reading me, my friends, my patients, are all part of this, it feels so good. Thank you so much. How do you manifest what you want? do you trust what is coming to you? do you believe it’s going to happen? do you trust that your hope and confidence is helping you? Sometimes it can take longer than you would like to happen. You need to trust it, it’s coming. A Reiki session, can align your energy, and help you find a path to realize yourself. Thank you to all of you, for your support, your encouraging emails, your confidence in my Reiki services. ISabelle, Love and Light until next month. Reiki Master certified, Reiki Maternity - Newborn, Bioenergetic massage Certified, self taught Artist. Art, me, and Reiki
In July I took an online art class. We had to draw a map... of anything we wanted. From going to the grocery store to anything.... it was really disconcerting at first, but after 5mns meditation, it came to me, .... I drew a map of my usually relaxing vacation routine when I'm at my parents in France .... This map is: from my bedroom to the yard, grabbing all I need on my way (knitting, book, pencils, my phone even if they do not have internet!...), taking the stairs, going through the kitchen grab a tea, another stairs, and finally relaxing on my lounge chair next to the river ;-) The only thing I forgot to draw is my ice cream.... This disconcerting process at first, really really really helped me being in peace for not being able to travel to France this summer. I miss it, sooooooo much. ✨ I like to present myself as a Reiki master who believes in art therapy. I'm proud to share with you my creations, in which I can feel Reiki energy now. I see life, like a painting, in constant evolution, on my every day path. Reiki is ....
Being aware of your feelings, trust what is coming, be open to the futur.
As I randomly open a page of that book today to write a quote for you, this one is coming : "Research shows that you can feel better ... by being aware, taking small steps for yourself, asking for help & always knowing that you are loved"
A little story, that happened to me last week… Who knows ? you might help someone … I am part of an amazing virtual, friendships, connections, online Puzzle Community (instagram). Some weeks ago, one of my follower said that she will have a spine surgery…Ouch !! so, I sent her a message of courage and support. I forgot about it… and she posted again after the surgery, saying she started to walk again, healing slowly. Again, I forgot about it… Then, something happened…strange ? call it the way you want …. I want to call it Energy Connection. I was having a bad day, was a lot in my head, was confuse by some decisions to make, and needed to go for a walk, be by myself to think things… During that walk, I stopped and called on Reiki to help me clear my head. But it was not really working… I couldn’t feel the energy I wanted! So I resumed my walk, asking the crazy wind we have here these days to clear my head instead of Reiki. Suddenly, as I was in motion, walking, not asking anything, Reiki came to me, in my hands, burning, BUT not for me, for that person, my follower on Instagram, someone I really enjoy talking puzzles virtually but someone I don’t even know, not even her real name, or where she is …. My hands were burning me, and while I was walking I found myself walking with my palm open to the outside. My hands on fire, being attracted like magnets on her spine. I was not sure what to do, I didn’t have her permission to do Reiki on her. I decided to surrendered to Reiki Energy for her, I asked Reiki to go to where she is, ask Reiki to stay with her. I couldn’t feel her in an hospital room, but I sent Reiki to her anyway. I felt her body, even if I don’t know her. I felt Reiki passing to her. I felt the Energy passing through my body FOR her spine. My hands went only on her spine. It was incredible and surprising at the same time, I was sending Reiki to a virtual friend while I was walking… How was it possible?? It lasted 5mns? 10mns? I don’t know. It was powerful… It was another Reiki experience…I couldn’t believe it. But it was really happening… Right away, I asked myself, should I tell her? And the logical answer was a big YES. So I sent her a quick message, explaining who I was beside a puzzler, and told her what just happened. I continued my walk, worried of her answer. I realized at that moment, that I was feeling better in my head, giving Reiki to her healed me at the same time. A feeling of connection with the energy, I was more at peace. And she answered….She told me she felt it. She was not in her room at that time, they were moving her on a gurney….Wow!! She felt Reiki helping her at that moment. I almost cried reading her. She was grateful, super sweet ❤️ Why Puzzles, or Puzzles Community and Reiki is so connected to me these days ??? I don’t know, but it seems that right now everything is connecting, the pieces of the puzzles I’m making, and the energy in my life. Do you like reading me? help me spread the benefits of Reiki healing. Please share my services with a friend who might need Reiki in person, Reiki Distance, Reiki Maternity, Reiki Massage, Reiki baby/kids . Who knows ? you might help someone … https://www.isabelle-reiki.com Do you also want to be on my monthly Wooden Hand-cut Puzzles letter too? https://www.puzzlapy.com A Reiki session, can align your energy, and help you find a path to realize yourself. Reiki energy is around us, it’s working in person or in Distance, I invite you to read the testimonials, experiences and comments from my clients. As usual, Thank you to all of you, for your support, your encouraging emails, your confidence in my Reiki services, taking appointment with me. ISabelle, Love and Light until next month. Reiki Master certified, Reiki Maternity - Newborn, Bioenergetic massage Certified, self taught Artist. Art, me, and ReikiArt is also, discovering New Art, New Sculpture, New Museums, A trip to Baltimore, lead us going to DC, National Gallery of Art. Too many Beautiful Art to share in a single picture. This month, it was about learning, looking, at several pieces of Art from Masters, enjoying time with my second half, my bubble of energy, connected ✨ I like to present myself as a Reiki master who believes in art therapy. I'm proud to share with you my creations, in which I can feel Reiki energy now. I see life, like a painting, in constant evolution, on my every day path.
Life is a Puzzle... Doing a Puzzle together, to be Puzzled, Puzzling activities… So many ways to talk about puzzles… Did you know I’m a fan of puzzles? if you follow me, read me, yes you do… 😉 but why talking about puzzles with Reiki you ask? Puzzles always interacted in my life. I am just now aware of this. I always had a puzzle to work on when I was a teenager, finished it or not. It was there for me. For a while I switched to kids puzzles and board games with the girls. Puzzling, came back to me naturally, but, I recognize now, it came back when I needed to find a way to put my own self back together and move on. Puzzling was a therapy for me at that time, one piece at a time. It is proven that puzzling is good for the mind, reduce stress, help for memory, help for some type of brain disease, help for connective capacity, help for socialisation, help for self-esteem… I guess my own body and mind, knew before me what I needed in my life to feel good ! But, again where is Reiki in all of this puzzle story? When I went to see my Reiki healer 2 years ago, …oh wow…2 years ago !!!! Well, I was completely out of myself…I didn’t know, but I was all disperse in every way possible, not complete, almost not knowing who I was anymore, I lost myself all those years… During my second session, under the energy of my healer hands, I felt that I was an humongous ocean size spilled water … I felt her hands trying to contain waves of myself. Trying to put them back in the container (my body) to stopped the spillage…she succeed! A month later, I felt like even if the waves were still in my body container, … my body was again responding to the hands of my healer in a different amazing way! I felt I was a puzzle, a lot of pieces and pieces everywhere, but not disperse like the water, but pieces and pieces that were not connected, and her hands were putting them back together one a time, it was an amazing moment for me…. I was in “wow” about what was happening to my self, my body, my mind. Her hands was putting back my own me puzzle, completing and finishing the work, my own self! at the end of the session, I definitely felt like I was a finished puzzle. I told her “I felt like I was a puzzle that you were putting back together”. She smiled. I was feeling so happy at that moment! The last time of my healing process, I felt like the puzzle of myself was sealed, back to itself, ready to be shown, to be out in the world and ready to conquer whatever was coming… I felt complete!… Two years later, I still feel the same. Complete. For every steps I took from the moment I stepped in her healing practice, until now, I feel Reiki with me, every time I feel my energy or my spirit or my mind or my body going down, for any reason, I call Reiki to help me. The same way, I was called to be a Reiki master, I call my own hands energy on myself to feel better and put back my little puzzles body-mind pieces together. And I really am looking forward to help you aligned your energy with Reiki healing. That is also why, I called my latest little handmade artisan puzzler work creation ….Puzzlapy! I always thought of Puzzles-Happy-Therapy = Puzzlapy If you want to check it out or sign up for the monthly update : https://www.puzzlapy.com A Reiki session, or several, can align your energy, and help you find a path to realize yourself. ISabelle, Love and Light until next month. As always, Thank you to all of you, for your support, your encouraging emails, your confidence in my Reiki services, taking appointment with me. Reiki energy is around us, it’s working in person or in Distance, I invite you to read the testimonials, experiences and comments from my clients. Reiki Master certified, Reiki Maternity - Newborn, Bioenergetic massage Certified, self taught Artist. Art, me, and Reiki
Last month that I registered for an online drawing class... It was an amazing meditation drawing class helping me to center myself every week, drawing without thinking of the result or consequences. I felt amazingly free. This tree is the willow tree that was at my parents home, when I was young. It came to me while we were meditating in class about a happy place ;-) Using Watercolor pencils. I like to present myself as a Reiki master who believes in art therapy. I'm proud to share with you my creations, in which I can feel Reiki energy now. I see life, like a painting, in constant evolution, on my every day path.
Do you have dreams? I’m talking about … YOUR dreams, not your life partner dreams or friends dreams, just YOURS… Do YOU have dreams? You know those dreams you promise yourself you will accomplish, when you were a kid, or teenager, or young adult or later in life… You know those dreams you want to make happen for yourself. You know those dreams you promise you will do when you changed your life. You know those dreams, good for your well being. Dreams of life, maybe travelling, maybe singing, maybe painting, maybe open a storefront, maybe going across the globe to help others, maybe volunteering around the block, maybe becoming famous, maybe discovering a new science, maybe gardening, maybe reading more, maybe learning to fly a plane, maybe learning piano, maybe start a stamps collection, maybe swimming with dolphins, maybe swimming in lava (hum...maybe not this one, or maybe ? ;-) ….the list is endless, like our minds, like our dreams ;-) What do you do to follow those dreams? Are you doing everything you can to make them happen? How do you make them happen? Do you set up a space in your home to paint? Do you register to that piano lessons? Do you search for the storefront you have in mind? Do you search for the house of yours? Do you keep some time to travel alone? Do you have Covid excuses? online classes are awesome, the best year for my dreams…. I know, Covid is not good for travelling, but you can have dreams ready in your mind and planning already. I do, so many travelling plan in my future ;-) Your dreams can change with time, it’s ok, we are human, we change with time, but do you still make them happen? Do you have a time frame to make them happen? Do you write about them in a journal? to the Universe? Do you know you can make them happen? How? Just believing in them, writing about them, put them out there. Me? I have that A dream since 35 Years, yes, 35 !!! I know it’s going to happen…I just need to jump in a plane whenever Covid will let me ;-) I know I will make it happen before I leave this human body. I will. But I also have more simple dreams, - Painting is one of them, and I make this happen regularly. - Growing my Reiki/massage practice, I work my best to make this happen. - Creating Puzzles, I had that dream since years…wood puzzles, hand made, I just made it happened. I studied how to, I learned how to, I opened my website and I now trust it will work. If you want to check it out : https://www.puzzlapy.com Reiki helped me believed in it, Reiki helped me to trust myself, helped me to have the courage to go out there, and I’m grateful and a little proud of myself too ;-) I dreamed of it, I made it happened, now I’m hoping my new Artisanat will be recognized and loved by some people out there. Do not let all your Dreams floating around, find a way to make some happen if not all of them. Do you want your dreams come true? Write them down, believe in them... A Reiki session can also help align your energy, and help you find a path to realize them. Thank you to all of you, for your support, your encouraging emails, your confidence in my Reiki services, taking appointment with me. Reiki energy is around us, it’s working in person or in Distance, I invite you to read the testimonials, experiences and comments from my clients. ISabelle, Love and Light until next month. Reiki Master certified, Reiki Maternity - Newborn, Bioenergetic massage Certified, self taught Artist. Reiki for me is… Reiki is the energy coming to me when I ask for it. The positions of my hands on different part of my body, makes the energy flow where it's needed. Allowing me to recognize my emotions and my feelings. Isabelle Art, me, and Reiki
March was a creative Art month for me. Being creative came back to me after almost 6 months of nothing, and it seems that I cannot stop... I made this large oil painting "Attuned together". It will become soon a puzzle in my Reiki Collection. And I have another one in progress, who came to me after giving Reiki to myself last week. Reiki helps me to open those blocked chakras and have my imagination flow. I like to present myself as a Reiki master who believes in art therapy. I'm proud to share with you my creations, in which I can feel Reiki energy now. I see life, like a painting, in constant evolution, on my every day path. What is Reiki ? Universal Energy to help balancing, comforting, our well being but also.. Did you know that Reiki can help you during Maternity ? Maybe you remember, few months ago I was telling you that I became Reiki Maternity certified. It was an amazing addition to my Reiki master Certification, and I am so happy and grateful I was able to take it. It’s an amazing way for me to circle back to the work I enjoy. Working in Maternity in France was the best time of my working days, even if the hours were hospital hours. 12h sometimes 24h. I loved it!!! The contact with the new parents, the newborns was so rewarding for me. Yes, it was terribly frustrating not working in that field. It makes me even more grateful now to able to practice in that field again with Reiki. Reiki Maternity Certification is allowing me to help, with Infertility, Pregnancy, Postpartum, and baby after birth. I am conducting Reiki Maternity almost the same as a classic Reiki session, with some emphasis on certain area of the body or staying longer where the body needs it. Helping balance your chakras, your energy and your hormones level. As in a regular Reiki session, I am following my hands and trust them to go where the healing energy is needed. Recently, I had the opportunity to offer Reiki Maternity to one of my client, and I was so amazed by the experience and the energy I could transfer to the mom and helping the connection between her and baby. Like I was expecting, my hands were going where her body was unbalanced or in pain. I felt the Energy making a bridge between mom and baby, as I was helping that energy flow between them. I felt the love they already have for each other. And happy to help trust the process of this pregnancy and relieve the stress of this unknown new experience. It was being a witness of an amazing exchange of feelings, emotions, sensations. I couldn’t feel baby, but was aware of movements ! Mom was definitely feeling some activity and reactions of the baby while I had my hands on her belly and heart. I was happy to feel the Reiki energy going through me to them to help the bond, but also to relieved mom from some worries, uncertainty, doubt and fear. Mom was relax and at peace following this session, and it’s what Reiki maternity is all about. Even if you are not in a first pregnancy, each one should be treated as a totally new unique experience. Being pregnant is not the same each time, and each symptoms, emotions, pain, are different. Every development of a baby is also a different experience each time, building their emotions, sensations, feelings, personality, already in the womb. Listening the voice and other noises, aware of their surrounding, getting ready to arrive into their family and into the world. Reiki Maternity, is also, helping your baby to adapt to his own change of hormones and transformation of his own body after birth. Reiki session for baby, are, due of the body size, shorter that for adult. Between 15 to 30mns depending on how baby is awake and responding to Reiki. Reiki during Maternity is recommended every month after the first trimester to help adjusting the hormones level, as pregnancy hormones are changing a lot and often. But, also, Reiki energy, is helping a lot, during Infertility and Postpartum to readjust your hormones level, alignement and grounding of your chakras. If you know someone or maybe yourself who will be interested, please share my practice with them, I will be happy to help yourself or your baby. If you are interested on every details of wellbeing of reiki for Maternity and or baby, I invite you to read my website. Thank you to all of you, for your support, your encouraging emails, your confidence in my Reiki services, taking appointment with me. Reiki energy is around us, it’s working as powerful as in person or in Distance, I invite you to read the testimonials, experiences and comments from my clients. ISabelle, Love and Light until next month. Reiki Master certified, Reiki Maternity - Newborn, Bioenergetic massage Certified, self taught Artist.
Art, me, and Reiki Sometimes, Reiki just come to you when you have to write this Newsletter, (yesterday night), and instead you end up with Paper, Colors, and 3hours later you have a piece of Art that was not planned, but you are really proud of it. Do not let your imagination stop, just grab those pencils even if it's not the right time and you will be proud of taking that time for yourself, and like someone told me, it's often when it's not on the schedule that the best Art are created. I like to present myself as a Reiki master who believes in art therapy. I'm proud to share with you my creations, in which I can feel Reiki energy now. I see life, like a painting, in constant evolution, on my every day path. What is Reiki ? Universal Energy to help balancing, comforting, our well being but also.. Did you know that Reiki can help your pet too? Animals are really sensitive to energy healing. And like humans they do have their own Chakras. And like humans, if they don’t want it, they know how to let you know. I’m sharing on this subject this month, after experiencing several interesting Reiki exchange with animals, especially recently. I knew I could use Reiki on animals, but never really used it, and was not especially looking to give Reiki, but Reiki came naturally when needed. My first experience, was on my little dog, while I was training to be a Reiki practitioner. I was using Reiki on him, to see if this could work. But he totally refused it, and went on his bed looking at me like “don’t do that to me again”… so I never really dare to try after that ;-). Until, my partner big black dog, (mix Pitt&Lab) gave me the opportunity. I was just petting him, like any other day, but I realized the energy was coming through my hands, he was so relaxed, and demanding for more. Pushing my hands to place them where he wanted me to be. So amazing. Starting that day, I never questioned Reiki on animals again ;-) Few times after that, I realized I could feel some of his emotions, especially when he had a bad day, was anxious, and feeling sad and sorry. He let me help him, peaceful, relaxed, each time. Severals day in a row he came to me, asking for it. I could feel his emotions, I was feeling he was getting better day after day. He was definitely enjoying my hands on different area of his body, and like on humans, I was feeling Reiki guiding my hands where it needed to go. He can be days without coming to me, and sometimes, just poke me with his nose, or come as close as he can, so I could feel his emotions, and I just know, he needs it, even if it’s for few minutes. He loves it so much, and he knows to ask for it when he needs it. But, what I didn’t know, and just realized at the beginning of January, is that I could send Distance Reiki to animals. Our cute black cat, was hurt by a car, and was not well. While my boyfriend was waiting on the phone to find a vet, I was giving him Reiki, he was breathing heavily, but I was feeling the energy Reiki helping him, calming him. When my partner was in the emergency pet hospital, he told me they were going to look at him pretty soon. I thought, “ok, let see, doesn’t hurt to try”, and I send distance Reiki to our cat while they were seeing him. I was impressed, I was there, in the room, I could feel the doctors hands checking him, and I knew what the verdict was. I knew before my boyfriend told me what was the injury, and the needs to heal him. It was a “Wow” “What?” “How?” moment for me. It was amazing, powerful, and at the same time, so strange, so new to me. When he came back home from surgery, several time a day, during the first week I did some Reiki on him, and same as with our dog, he let me help him, calm him, and heal him. It was amazing to be able to just put my hands on him, and feel Reiki energy going where he needed it. Same as with our dog, he was moving his body to show me where to put my hands. But most of the time he only wanted my hands on his ears, since he had 2 broken ribs. Now, being better and better day after day, he is not in demand too much, but from time to time he is pushing me from what I am doing and searching for my hands to comfort him. No need to tell you, these experiences, made me even more aware of the benefits of Reiki, and the never ending possibility to help around me. Thank you to all of you, for your support, your encouraging emails, your confidence in my Reiki services, taking appointment with me. Reiki energy is around us, it’s working as powerful as in person or in Distance, I invite you to read the testimonials, experiences and comments from my clients. ISabelle, Love and Light until next month. Reiki Master certified, Reiki Maternity - Newborn, Bioenergetic massage Certified, self taught Artist.
Art, me, and Reiki Sometimes, Reiki just comes as a letter to the Universe supported by a painting. I made this one few days ago. I call it "Energy" for all the energies I was feeling around me that day, after grounding myself. I like to present myself as a Reiki master who believes in art therapy. I'm proud to share with you my creations, in which I can feel Reiki energy now. I see life, like a painting, in constant evolution, on my every day path. I wish you an excellent Happy New Year 2021. A New Beginning… 2020, left us with confusion, doubt, anxiety, and also with feelings of need of reassessment, evaluations of our capacity to adapt, change of direction in personal and professional development. Regardless of your experiences in 2020, which resolutions are you going to make or what lessons can be learned from your year? This 2020 year, been an incredible experience for me. A year, that I can look in my back mirror, with a really strange feeling, like being on pause, adapting to live without going out, not seeing my friends, working from home, but so much enriching emotionally and personally that I wonder…if covid had not existed, would have been able to discover that aspect of my personality? my true self! that I respect, love, and that I continue to nourish every day, in hope to keep these experiences and rhythm a way of life for the years to come. Reiki helped me in 2019 with the turn in my life, but its Energy took all senses and magnitude in 2020. - Taking my necessary professional decision to change career, with all the risks and consequences that implied, I won’t lie, it took me several Reiki sessions. Fighting and turning in circle with my decision had to stop, I needed to take the jump. Tuning to myself during Reiki was the answer. -Being totally emerged with Reiki, making it a regular practice for my own path but also to help you! With, to this day, so far, absolutely no regrets, Reiki gives me the honest vibration to be myself, be here where I am suppose to be, and fills me with energy and happiness every day. - Continuing learning in massage and maternity Reiki came naturally, I only took the steps to go through the doors that were opening to me. - Reiki helped me see and move honestly, in harmony in my personal relation, in a way that I would have never thought before, being so connected to a soulmate. Nourishing it so it will never stop. - Feeling Reiki, appreciating every moments, either looking at the color of the sky, or doing a puzzle, writing to you every month, take the time to live, accepting that is my vision of life harmony and my true nature. - Not forgetting, discovering new communities, online, I particularly think of a puzzles community ;-) . A therapy, a relaxing time, a hobby, one piece at a time. 2020 connected missing puzzle pieces in my life. I am grateful and happy how Reiki energy helped me navigate these days. I don't know what 2021 have in storage for me, but I already know that I am ready to step through new doors, have some other adventures, enjoy every minutes, at home order or when the world will open to travelling opportunities again. I am confident in Reiki to help me. How are you going to navigate this new year ? are you going to let go everything that you don’t need anymore ? are you going to continue things you started in 2020? or maybe, like me, you already have new projects that you cannot wait to start? go, take the steps through these doors, and if you need my help I am here for you Thank you to all of you, for your support, your encouraging emails, your confidence in my Reiki services, taking appointment with me 10miles or 10.000 miles away. Distance Reiki energy is around us, it’s working as powerful as in person, I invite you to read the testimonials, experiences and comments from my clients. Help me share my practices, will you forward to 2 of your friends? word of mouth is the best. Thank you! ISabelle, Love and Light until next month. I wish you a Happy New Year ! Reiki Master certified, Reiki Maternity - Newborn, Bioenergetic massage Certified, self taught Artist. ![]() Reiki for me..
My healing experience: When I feel lost or in doubt in my decisions, I take the time to ask for Reiki. I set my intentions, my questions, and I let Reiki work naturally on my body. Reiki for me is…Reiki is the energy coming to me when I ask for it. The positions of my hands on different part of my body, makes the energy flow where it's needed. Allowing me to recognize my emotions and my feelings. Isabelle What is Reiki? “The situations, mirrors of what we are [..] We are not practicing to change, or avoid the situation, but more to “meet” it, face it, because it’s only a mirror, or an aspect of ourself on which we are going to work. It’s on the situation inside ourself that the real work is effective. More than to link to a specific problem, we are putting ourselves in inner harmony, we are linking and aligning with the universe, and it’s what is “healing” at the end, in the most profound sense, most noble, and most fair possible […].” Translated from french Book - "Reiki ouvrir le coeur, éveiller l'esprit" - Patrice Gros Art, me, and Reiki
Is cooking an Art? hum...what do you think? Did you know that you can Reiki your food? I am far from being a good cook, but when it comes to "Christmas Log dessert", I can say I'm good at it and proud to be the daughter of my Pastry Chef dad ;-) But also, proud to have raised the new generation to succeed in this Art of making a french Bûche de Noel with the original recipe. I like to present myself as a Reiki master who believes in art therapy. I'm proud to share with you my creations, in which I can feel Reiki energy now. I see life, like a painting, in constant evolution, on my every day path. How are you doing at the idea of spending the Holidays far away from family or good friends because of a virus ? I miss them already, and I’m trying to make the best of it, with FaceTime, texting, emails, phone calls, and just the idea of keeping them all safe is reassuring.
How many months to wait until the next time? … Destinations seams so far away when you cannot easily hop on a plane and see your loved one! I’m so glad I went to France a year ago, visit my parents for Christmas, being with my daughters, visiting Paris with my sweet love…good memories to remember. How do you let go of your emotions ? How do feel about it? When I was a teenager I was writing everything. Journals and Journals, pages after pages, creating a keeper of my memory. When I was done with an adventure of mine, broken heart or else I was reading them and was thinking they were stupid so I was burning them. Tearing them appart page after page, and burning them little pieces by little pieces, looking at the words disappearing in the fire. Big mistake… now I regret…because it was a moment of my life! My Emotions! My hope! My heart! But, I suppose, at that time it was helping my emotions to move on. After years of not writing, (I was thinking it was not necessary), I started writing a journal for my baby girls, I was so tired I never finished…but I didn’t burned them ;-) And I stopped again, for years…Why writing? for which purpose? for who? for what ?… Myself ? pfff … I was wrong…so wrong…Unfortunately, I never let go of my emotions during that period of time. Stopped writing, came along with stopping reading... Every day life, busy, taking care of others before me, and ...and ...and …. And,…with Reiki healing me... I, First, started to read again, discovering again the pleasure of turning pages on a good story. Appreciating time in the world of imagination. One French book, one English book is my pace. Having my sweetheart reading a lot, sharing our books stories, reading to each other…and even reading the same book at the same time in a different language - because this one was too hard to read in English ;-), really helps. With Reiki, my writing, journaling habit came back naturally, Quickly the feeling of a fountain pen in my hands and blue ink on paper, the joy of a long time missing experience. Personal Journal…Reiki Journal…Art Journal. Every time I have a Reiki or personal experience, it’s an amazing way to get out every feelings, emotions, that needs to still exist, but not in my head anymore. While I am writing these lines, I have the image of Dumbledore and the Pensive ;-) , except I’m writing on paper and it’s for real!. When I have a client in Reiki Distance, the first thing I ask them is to be ready with a piece of paper, a pen, and write down their intentions for the session. After our time together I gave them time to write down their emotions, feelings, pain, joy…anything that will help on their way to healing, on their growing path, and it give them material to go back to until we meet again. Maybe, years ago, you were writing your emotions to a friend? or still have those exchange of emails with your decease parents ? Those letters are a reflexion of who you were at that time, on your journey, in 10 or 20 years you might enjoy reading them, they might help you in your own path, or just for the souvenirs, or for your children to read one day….do not erase, forget, and certainly do not burn them! I promise myself to not burn mine anymore, even if my life turns around again. It’s my Life, a keeper of my emotions. How do you let go of your emotions ? do you write? sing? draw? create? Let me know if you need my healing services, I am back to offering only Distance Reiki because of the new lock-down. 1mile away or 10.000, it’s the same universal healing energy, and it’s amazing. ISabelle, Love and Light until next month. I wish you all Happy Holidays ! Reiki Master certified, Reiki Maternity - Newborn, Bioenergetic massage Certified, self taught Artist. |
AuthorIsabelle, Reiki Master Certified. This blog is from my monthly newsletter. Categories
January 2022